satu_syrjanen SATU SYRJÄNEN
Artist, Ceramist, Designer

Soraharjunkatu 2a
33270 Tampere, Finland
Tel. +358 50 4055373

Suomenkiekinen versio
Sivu suomeksi

I am creating most of my works at my studio in Tampere, Finland, except for residencies of one to three months abroad. In 2008, I worked in China together with nine colleagues for one month. The works that we made during our stay remained permanently in the collections of the Scandinavian Ceramic Art Museum in Fuping.

I began my art studies at the Kankaanpää School of Art in 1972. In 1982, I graduated as Master of Arts from the University of Art and Design Helsinki, majoring in ceramic art. Since 1974, I have participated in numerous exhibitions of visual art, and since 1982 in symposia, workshops and exhibitions in my field both in Finland and abroad. I have staged several my own exhibitions. (See my Curriculum Vitae at the end of this page)

A rt critic Kaj Kalin's description of my works (in my catalogue from 1999) as "logical structures" is still appropriate. The forms often have geometric starting pints. The organic, microscopic structures of nature provide inspiration for the construction of my works. I often use various twists and spirals in my works to achieve a feeling of  movement in them.


"Mandorla", 2013, stoneware, 17x28x56 cm

"Taihuttaret", 2010, 50x29x22 cm, 58x38x22 cm
Kuuvene / Moon Boat, 2006, 19x27x67 cm
"Muisto / Memory", 2007, 20x39x39 cm
"White Coral"
18 x 38 x 38 cm - stoneware - 2002

Suuri koralli / Big Coral, 2006, h. 25 cm, Ø 57 cm
"Red Coral"
20 x 40 x 40 cm - stoneware - 2002

"Red Organism"
21 x 43 x 17 cm - stoneware - 1997

"White Organism"
21 x 43 x 16 cm - stoneware - 1997

"Blue Geodi"
48 x 34 x 14 cm - stoneware - 2001

"Turquoise Geodi"
33 x 50 x 16 cm - stoneware - 2001

"Yellow Geodi"
47 x 31 x 18 cm - stoneware - 2001

"Red Volume"
50 x 43 x 43 cm - stoneware - 1998

"Variations of the Volume Series"
"Värikenttä 4-6 / Colour Field 4-6", 2009, 10x39x49 cm
"White Triumph"
38 x 34 x 16 cm - stoneware - 1994

"Kierre / Twist"
26 x 54 x 32 cm - stoneware - 1999

"Laterna", 2003, h. 45 cm, Ø 34 cm
"Black Geo"
46 x 37 x 37 cm - stoneware - 2002

Karuselli / Carousel, 2006, h. 43 cm, Ø 34 cm
Korkea koralli / High Coral", 2003, k./h. 44 cm, ø 34 cm
"Aurinkovene / Sun Ship", 2007, 18x46x107 cm
Kuulaiva / Moon Ship, 2006, 18x46x107 cm
Löytöretki I / Exploration I, 2009, 19x32x78 cm
"Tropea I, II", 2005, h. 12 cm, Ø 58 cm
Installations and Public Works
"Lammikot / Ponds", relief, 2007,
each element, 1,5x34x34 cm

"Vetehinen", 2006/2007 relief 10x180x350 cm,
sculpture 26x67x175 cm
Commissioned work, Tampereen kaupunki, City of Tampere, Finlad
Narkossos, 2007, each module h. 3,5 cm, Ø 19 cm
"Delta, 2007", relief, 1,5x103x240 cm
220 x 220 x 8 cm - stoneware - 1997

Exhibition: Galleria Mältinranta, 2007, City of Tampere, Finland


Curriculum Vitae / CV
Artist, Ceramist, Designer

Born 1953 in Tampere, Finland
Studio: Soraharjunkatu 2a, 33270 Tampere, Finland
Tel. +358 50 4055 373

1996 Art pedagogy, University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland (Aalto University)
1982 Master of Arts, University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland (Aalto University)
1974 Kankaanpää Art School, Kankaanpää, Finland

Association of Finnish Sculptors
International Academy of Ceramics IAC
Ornamo Art and Design Finland, Artists O
Tampere Artists´ Association, Tampere, Finland

Commissioned works, brick facades 4 pcs, Vuores, Tampere, Finland
Finnish State Art Collection
FuLe International Ceramic Art Museums, Fuping, China
City of Tampere, Finland, commissioned works
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
City of Nokia, Finland, commissioned works
Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland
Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, Montana, USA
Air Vallauris Foundation, France
The Art Collection of Pirkanmaa Hospital District, Tampere, Finland
City of Helsinki, Finland
City of Tampere, Finland
Tampere Modern Art Museum, Tampere, Finland
Telecom Finland OY
City of Ylöjärvi, Finland
City of Kankaanpää, Finland
Ynigge Ceramics Museum / IAC Collection, New Taipei City, Taiwan

2018 Gallery 68, Helsinki, Finland
2014 Kannel-House, Kannelmäki, Helsinki, Finland
2013 Täky Gallery, Lappeenranta, Finland
2012 Gallery BE`19, Helsinki, Finland
2011 Jorma Panula Foundation, Piiparila, Kirkkonummi, Finland
2011 Willa MAC – Art Museum & Gallery, Tampere, Finland
2010 Artist of the Month, Design Museum Helsinki, Artists O, Finland
2009 Gallery Kronan, Norrköping, Sweden
2007 Gallery Mältinranta, Tampere Artists` Association, Tampere, Finland
2006 Gallery Saskia, Tampere, Finland
2004 Window Gallery of Ornamo, Helsinki, Finland
2003 Galerie Aqui Siam Ben, Association AIR-Vallauris, Vallauris, France
2003 Gallery Kankaanpää School of Art, Kankaanpää, Finland
2002 Bang&Olufsen Gallery, Tampere, Finland
2001 Design Forum Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
1999 Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland
1998 Museum of Häme, Tampere, Finland
1996 Design Museum, Ceramics Route, Helsinki, Finland
1995 Arabia Museum Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
1993 Gallery Andromeda, Mikkeli, Finland
1992 Finnish Glass Museum, Riihimäki, Finland
1992 Cultural Centre of Turku, Turku, Finland
1992 Gallery Marian Portti, Lahti, Finland
1992 Mill Lapinniemi, Tampere, Finland
1991 Gallery IXIA, Tampere, Finland
1988 Gallery Verkaranta, Tampere, Finland
1987 Minigallery, Finnish Society of Crafts and Design, Helsinki, Finland
1985 Gallery Modi, Tampere, Finland

2018 IAC Members, Yingge Ceramics Museum, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2016 Ceramics in Architecture and Public Spaces, Museu del Disseny,
Barcelona, Spain
2014 Zeitgenössische künstlerische Keramik, Schloss Ludwigsburg, Germany
2014 Anu Pentik Gallery, Posio, Finland
2010 CICA, Concurs International de Ceramica L`Alcora, Spain
2009 European Prize for Applied Arts, Mons, Belgium
2008 FuLe International Ceramic Art Museums, Fuping, China
2007 A.I.R Vallauris at the Lavoir de Mougins, France
2006 16 Contemporary Ceramic Artists, Gallery Aqui Siam Ben, Vallauris, France
2006 Espace Grand Jean, Vallauris, France
2003 Sharing Experiences, iron, fire, glass, Hälleforsnäs, Sweden
2002-03 WCC-Europe, Masterpieces, invitation exhibition, Palazzo Bricherasio, Torino, Italy
2002 12th Baghdad International Festival for Photographic Pictures, Baghdad, Iraq
2001 Neighboroughs II, Swedish, Finnish and Russish Contemporary Ceramics
Gallery Rantakasarmi, Suomenlinna, Finland
2001 11. Biennale Ceramique Contemporaine 2001, Chateauroux, France
1999 The World Competition of Arts & Crafts, Kanazava `99, Japan
1992 Worth Gallery, Taos, New Mexico, USA
1991 Mac Laren Markowitz Gallery, Boulder, Colorado, USA
1989 NCECA Exhibitions, Central Park Gallery, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
1989 Elaine Horwitch Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
1989 Joanne Lyons Gallery, Aspen, Colorado, USA
1988 Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, Montana, USA
1988 ORESHAK 88, Bulgaria
1987-88 Zeitgenössisches Deutsches und Finnisches Kunsthandwerk 4. Triennale,
Museum für Kunsthandwerk, Frankfurt am Main, Kestner-Museum Hannover,
Germany, Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland

2018 Contemporary Touch, IAC Finnish members, Fu-Guei Sanyi, Miaoli, Taiwan
2015 Summer Exhibition, Gallery Sculptor, Helsinki
2015 Postmodernism in Finland 1980-1995, Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland
2015 S-Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
2014 The Art and Design of Tomorrow – Bukowskis, Helsinki, Finland
2014 Magnificent Ladies from Tampere, Museum Center Vapriikki, Tampere, Finland
2012 Art Collection of Pirkanmaa Hospital District, Gallery Emil, Tampere, Finland
2012 Ceramega 2012, Exhibition of Finnish Ceramics, Voipaala Art Center, Finland
2011-14 Art on Electrical Cabinets, Tampere Museum of Contemporary Art, Finland
2011 Visionaries, five views to the material, Varkaus Art Museum, Finland
2010-11 Ornamo 100 years, Anniversary Exhibition, Jyväskylä, Oulu, Joensuu, Finland
2010 Tampere Artists` Association 90 years, Gallery Kritiku, Praque, Czech Republic
2010 Now Here, Design Exhibition, Art Hall, Seinäjoki, Finland
2009 Led by Form, Copper Smithy, Fiskars Village, Finland
2009 Art Helsinki 09, Helsinki Contemporary Art Fair, Wanha Satama, Helsinki
2009 Journey, Gallery Norsu, Helsinki, Finland
2007 Chem-Gruppe, 10 artists from Tampere, New Saxon Gallery, Chemnitz, Germany
2007 Artists Couples, Art Vicarage, Kuhmalahti, Finland
2007 Pirkanmaa Desing 2, TR1 Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
2006 Pirkanmaa 3rd Triennial of Art, Mältinranta Art Centre, Tampere, Finland
2005 Nuutti Group, Gallery Scarabeus, Praque, Czech Republic
2005 Century of Furnishing, Verkaranta, Tampere, Finland
2005 Pirkanmaa Design 1, TR 1 Kunsthalle, Tampere, Finland
2004 Ceramega 04, Voipaala Art Center, Sääksmäki, Finland
2004 Nuutti Gallery, Virrat, Finland
2003 K´03, Green Magazine, Lappeenranta, Finland
2003 A Century of Finnish Ceramics, Design Museum, Helsinki
2002 Findesign now 02, Design Forum Finland, Helsinki, Finland
2002 Summer Exhibition of the Tampere Artists' Association, Gallery Saskia, Tampere
2001 Gallery Bronda, Helsinki, Finland
2000 Pirkanmaa Desing Exhibition, Haihara Art Center, Tampere, Finland
2000 Pirkanmaa 1st Triennial of Atr, Museum Center Vapriikki, Tampere, Finland
2000 Gallery Villa Jankovsky, Kajaani, Finland
1999 50th Year Exhibition of the Tampere Artists` Association, Verstas, Tampere
1998 Quatro Estacoes, Palacio Estoi, Estoi, Portugal
1998 Modus-98, Haihara Art Center, Tampere, Finland, Curator
1998 Finnish Design 10, Design Forum, Helsinki, Finland
1998 Contemporary Ceramics from Finland, Morley Gallery, London, UK
1996 Creating Hands, Art Museum, Kerava, Finland
1996 Ceramega 96, Voipaala Art Center, Sääksjärvi, Finland
1996 UIAH, Pedagogue Grup, Into Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
1995 75th Anniversary Exhibition of the Tampere Artists´ Association, Tampere-House,
1994 Utility Articles, Design Forum Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
1994 Ceramics from Pirkanmaa, Gallery Verkaranta, Tampere, Finland
1991 Stars of Forms, Kluuvi Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
1991 Finland Designs 8, Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland
1990 Kankaanpää School of Art 25th Anniversary Exhibition, Kankaanpää, Finland
1990 Gallery Septaria, Helsinki, Finland
1990 Finnish Design 1990, Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland
1990 Old Library House Gallery, Tampere, Finland
1988 Magics, Gallery Otso, Espoo, Finland
1987-88 Finnish Form, Budapest Hungary, Berlin West Germany, Rostock GDR, Tallinn Estonia
1987-88 Use, Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland
1987 Forms of Clay, South-Karelia Art Museum, Finland
1986 Finnish Design Center, Helsinki, Finland
1986 Outline of Thoughts, Arabia´s Museum, Helsinki, Finland
1986 Finland is Dreaming, Helsinki Kunsthalle, Finland, Fredrikshavn Denmark
1985 Finland Designs 5, Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland
1984 Finnish Design Center, Helsinki, Finland
1983 Finland Designs 3, Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland
1982 Final Work Exhibition, UIAH, Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland
1981 110th Anniversary Exhibition of UIAH, Helsinki Kunsthalle, Finland
1979 Museum of Modern Art, Tampere, Finland
1976 Museum of Modern Art, Tampere, Finland
1974 41st Year Exhibition of Tampere Artists’ Association, Tampere Art Museum, Finland

2018 First 3D prints
2015-18 Plans for brick facades 4 pcs, Vuores, Tampere
2015 Artist of the Month, Ornamo Magazine 5/15, Artists O, Finland
2014 Artic Clay Symposium & Workshop,1 month, Posio, Finland
2008 Ceramic Artists in a Chinese Residency,1 month, FLICAM, Fuping, China
2007 Artist in residence, 3 months, Mexico City, Mexico
2003 Guest artist in residence, 2 months, Association AIR-Vallauris, Vallauris, France
2003 Sharing Experiences, iron, fire, glass symposium,
International Exhibition and Competition of Fire Sculpture, Hälleforsnäs, Sweden
1998 Estoi, Portugal
1988 Guest artist, Archie Bray Foundation, 3 months, Helena, Montana, USA
1986-87 Teacher, Wetterhoff Institute of Craft and Design, Hämeenlinna, Finland
1986-88 Freelance designer, Arabia Ceramics Factory Helsinki, Finland
1982 Design trainee, Arabia Ceramics Factory, Helsinki, Finland
1976-77 Teacher, Pirkkala Open College for Adults, Finland
1975- Studio Satu Syrjänen, Tampere, Finland

2018 Finnish Cultural Foundation, group
2018 Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike)
2014 Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Grants for Mobility
2013 City of Tampere, Finland
2011 Greta and William Lehtinen Foundation, Finland, group
2009 State Grants for Artists, Finland
2008 Ornamo Foundation, Flicam, group
2008 City of Tampere, Finland
2007 Arts Council of Pirkanmaa, Finland
2007 National Council, travel grant, Mexico
2006 Tunkua Prize, Pirkanmaa 3rd Triennial, Tampere, Finland
2006 Finnish Cultural Foundation, Fund of Pirkanmaa, Finland
2006 National Council for Design, Finland
2005 Board for Compensation Grants to Visual Artists, Finland
2005 Oskar Öflund Foundation, Helsinki, Finland
2004 Greta and William Lehtinen Foundation, Finland
2004 Finnish Cultural Foundation, Fund of Pirkanmaa, Finland
2003 Central Arts Council, Finland
2002 Arts Council of Pirkanmaa, Finland
2001 City of Tampere, Finland
2000 Oskar Öflund Foundation, Helsinki, Finland
1999 National Council for Crafts and Design, Finland
1998 Board for Compensation Grants to Visual Artists, Finland
1998 Arts Council of Pirkanmaa, Finland
1997 City of Tampere, Finland
1997 National Council for Crafts and Design, Finland
1996 Finnish Cultural Foundation, Fund of Pirkanmaa, Finland
1994 Oskar Öflund Foundation, Helsinki, Finland
1994 Central Arts Council, Finland
1993 City of Tampere, Finland
1992 Alfred Kordelin Foundation, Helsinki, Finland
1992 Finnish Foundation for The Visual Arts in USA
1991 National Council for Crafts and Design, Finland
1989 National Council for Crafts and Design, Finland
1988 Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, Montana, USA
1988 City of Tampere, Finland
1988 Finnish Cultural Foundation, Helsinki, Finland
1987 Central Arts Council Helsinki Finland
1984 Art Council of Häme, Finland
1983 City of Tampere, Finland
1983 Art Council of Häme, Finland
1980 Art Council of Häme, Finland
1979 Finnish Cultural Foundation, Fund of Pirkanmaa, Finland
1979 City of Tampere, Finland
1978 City of Tampere, Finland